Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Falling asleep while reading

by Nunzio
(Leominster, MA)

No matter how well rested I, every time you sit down to read, you fall asleep after a few points. Could be a newspaper, magazine, book, computer ...

This is a very frustrating problem. I am a writer and reader has always been frenzied. This problem has gotten out of control. It's almost as if I was Hypnotized and told me to fall asleep every time you try to read. Fight, dismayed, slap my face, but nothing helps.

Can help? This is a sign of possible sleep apnia?

Counter sleepiness, fatigue, excessive fatigue, sleep very often during the day, are symptoms of sleep, but the main symptom is when you breathing stops during night hours.

Learn how you can get if you stop breathing in sleep mode on the page about home sleep apnea test.

So, you're tired or fatigue, before starting to read a book? It is important to know the difference between the fatigue and tiredness.

A doctor from Alberta Heritage Foundation for medical research (AHFMR) health scholar, has created new definitions for fatigue, fatigue and exhaustion, and claims that represent various points on a continuum.

The amount of power that an individual has affect how easily this can be customized to emphasize that in how. People who tired is still a fair bit of energy, so although they may feel forgetful and patience and experience gradual or muscle weakness after work, this is often alleviated by the rest of the world.

Fatigue, on the other hand, is characterized by difficulty in concentration, anxiety, a gradual reduction in stamina, difficulty sleeping, increased sensitivity to light and the restriction of social activities, once viewed as important.

People with depletion report Frank confusion that resembles a delirium, emotional numbness, sudden loss of power, difficulties in staying awake and sleeping and full social withdrawal.

There are other sleep disorders that may be associated with symptoms such as:

I would like to propose that we REALLY need to have a study of sleep. This really can shed light on what is happening. A study of sleep will give-or-typically a series of medical conditions.

The ZEO also can help you discover how good or bad is your sleep, and you can get information about what is wrong with you and what to do. With risk 30-day free trial-see sleep data at home and get your personal sleep coaching with Zeo. However, I recommend a study of sleep, even if it is too expensive.

So, go to your doctor (GP) for the work of the laboratory rule vitamin deficiencies, etc. Have thyroid checked, excludes all possible causes of medicine. Then, have a thorough sleep study in clinic.

Be sure to keep you during the day, not only in the evening. In this way can control your Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy and yperypnia.

Best of luck!


View the original article here

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