Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Does Sleep Apnea cause Daytime counter sleepiness?

by James sleepy

I feel very sleepy during the day. I don't have insomnia, because I know that I sleep all night. But I want to sleep all day. Think I have Sleep Apnea?

Thank You!

Hey James,

Your question is the answer. One of the most common symptom of sleep apnea is tired during the day.

Scientists call this symptom excessive day counter sleepiness.

If you have this symptom for a few months, then something is wrong. It is clear that you sleep well.

Fatigue from frequent awakenings emerges from sleep. Patients with Sleep Apnea have such problems, because the stop breathing asleep, so when they wake up stumble and snorting, but then fall asleep again. And this is over 50 times at night in many cases!

Another cause may be, when we fall into Narcolepsy suddenly asleep at daytime.

click here if you want to learn more about the symptoms of sleep.

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Falling asleep while reading

by Nunzio
(Leominster, MA)

No matter how well rested I, every time you sit down to read, you fall asleep after a few points. Could be a newspaper, magazine, book, computer ...

This is a very frustrating problem. I am a writer and reader has always been frenzied. This problem has gotten out of control. It's almost as if I was Hypnotized and told me to fall asleep every time you try to read. Fight, dismayed, slap my face, but nothing helps.

Can help? This is a sign of possible sleep apnia?

Counter sleepiness, fatigue, excessive fatigue, sleep very often during the day, are symptoms of sleep, but the main symptom is when you breathing stops during night hours.

Learn how you can get if you stop breathing in sleep mode on the page about home sleep apnea test.

So, you're tired or fatigue, before starting to read a book? It is important to know the difference between the fatigue and tiredness.

A doctor from Alberta Heritage Foundation for medical research (AHFMR) health scholar, has created new definitions for fatigue, fatigue and exhaustion, and claims that represent various points on a continuum.

The amount of power that an individual has affect how easily this can be customized to emphasize that in how. People who tired is still a fair bit of energy, so although they may feel forgetful and patience and experience gradual or muscle weakness after work, this is often alleviated by the rest of the world.

Fatigue, on the other hand, is characterized by difficulty in concentration, anxiety, a gradual reduction in stamina, difficulty sleeping, increased sensitivity to light and the restriction of social activities, once viewed as important.

People with depletion report Frank confusion that resembles a delirium, emotional numbness, sudden loss of power, difficulties in staying awake and sleeping and full social withdrawal.

There are other sleep disorders that may be associated with symptoms such as:

I would like to propose that we REALLY need to have a study of sleep. This really can shed light on what is happening. A study of sleep will give-or-typically a series of medical conditions.

The ZEO also can help you discover how good or bad is your sleep, and you can get information about what is wrong with you and what to do. With risk 30-day free trial-see sleep data at home and get your personal sleep coaching with Zeo. However, I recommend a study of sleep, even if it is too expensive.

So, go to your doctor (GP) for the work of the laboratory rule vitamin deficiencies, etc. Have thyroid checked, excludes all possible causes of medicine. Then, have a thorough sleep study in clinic.

Be sure to keep you during the day, not only in the evening. In this way can control your Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy and yperypnia.

Best of luck!


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I always Sleep Apnea?

by Alex
(Toronto, Canada)

If you have Sleep Apnea, you now always have this disorder sleep?

Thank You!

Sleep apnea is a disorder, such as a headache or when you have a cold. It doesn't matter what type of sleep apnoea disorder: obstructive, Central, or mixed. This disorder will not disappear, but the side effects of Sleep Apnea will get worse if you don't have a cure.

Fortunately, there are many types of therapies for the treatment of sleep disorders. However, it is very important to know exactly what causes and severity of your sleep disorders. Only then the doctors will choose for you the most appropriate treatment.

For more information about the treatment of sleep you can click here.

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Monday, February 28, 2011

Father of sleep problem

father of sleep

My father is suffering from Sleep Apnea for more than 5 years now, and refuses to get any treatment. Tried to go to Sleeping laboratory should be monitored, but left in the middle of the sleep study and got frustrated.

Also be overweight, however, this is not a smoker. If diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, he was extremely nervous, and it affects his work and personal life greatly.

Please advice any tips that might help improving case, bearing in mind that it is very depressed and refuses to get any treatment.

Thank you in advance

Your father has Sleep Apnea knows, but refuses to get any treatment ...How can a doctor to a patient who does not want to help? How you can help your father?

A person with Sleep Apnea and clinical depression is more difficult to treat a woman with the same problem.

I think that when a man denial about a serious health problem, it is actually very scared:

scared of death,
scared people hesitation when the side of his face droop after a stroke,
scared is not able to protect and provide for their partners and family (our culture socializes boys in taking these expectations, the girls are socialized to caring, creative and. .. nurturing obviously a controversial issue)

A lot of men did not want to admit sign of weakness, and also can associate CPAP with elderly men and do not want to be reminded that they are obsolete.

If you tell your father that went on a study of sleep, but left in the middle of a session, then it sounds like your father knows anything about goofy, but he knows that he can kill him?

Don't let worry most of them already, so don't Take it. My friend's Dad had Sleep Apnea and CPAP machine loathed, so much that if his mother was not careful, will take off, and suffered a heart attack and died from it.

If you have not already done so, to explain that to him, and how it will make you feel if that happened. CPAP therapy is best for Sleep Apnea patients. Maybe the machine will seem less irritating if you know that this will save his life.

I wonder if your father is aware of the effects of untreated Sleep Apnea, which is serious and systematic. Some of them are as follows:

increased risk of heart attack and stroke
increased blood pressure

heart arrhythmias
nocturia (because of the increased pressure in the right ventricle heart makes the House seem much blood volume so produced urine)
excessive fatigue and day counter sleepiness
problems with memory and concentration
weight gain (sleep deprivation causes the weight for many physiological reasons, one is the modification of the hormone leptin and ghrelin)
Type 2 diabetes
There is a link between sleep and GERD
anxiety (each apnea event, is a real thirst and elicits the response adrenalin "Fright or flight")
The symptoms of fibromyalgia
issues and working relationship
car accidents

I can tell you that CPAP treatment is the key to a healthy life for your father, but depression and obesity and the rest of the side effects of sleep disorders. However, I believe your father wants to talk about it.

In my opinion, no longer through the stages when not all face loss. In your case, I think it is a loss of what he considers good health or freedom and is now bound in this life. And I think the thing "for life" really bother him.

This CPAP is important, and for some it is extremely difficult to adapt. But tearing my heart to see the effects of the incompatible CPAP users, and what it does to their favorite. Often it is simply because the person does not know or understand what impact for them.

I wonder if you could help if you speak with your doctor about your own, then met with the doctor about his. This is likely to be more receptive to words of a doctor.

I recommend also bumber zone for improvement of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, but it works only for patients with mild or moderate sleep apnea. Your father may have serious symptoms and if you look at that position treatment doesn't work, can be more depressed than before.

Thus, a complete sleep study and CPAP treatment is the answer to your question. There is no other magic way, and it is dangerous to look for alternative treatments, when your father is already suffering from depression.

An alternative approach might work for some, but not always work if CPAP your father have adequate pressure settings (that's why you need a sleep study), and the correct mask (you need to test numerous CPAP masks, before buying one).

As difficult as it is sleep apnea, there are worse things can happen to their health. This really needs to find out, and I hope that things work.

Best of luck!

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Full upper dentures and Sleep Apnea

by Susan e.
(St. Petersburg, Fl)

Whether removing full upper dentures with bedtime cause language close to the neck, causing Sleep Apnea? Had been diagnosed with one year after the complete upper dentures. Even with a c-pap with a humidifier, I wake up often with my tongue stuck to the roof and back from my mouth, my mouth is very dry, and must have frequent sips of water through a straw in a teacup on stands at night during the night.

Susan, there are people with full upper dentures, but no respiratory problems. Your airway is blocked because your language is set up to your mouth when you sleep. Your language can be very large, or you can have a high arched palate and a narrow jaw.

You have opened and said ahhhhhhhhh while looking in a mirror? Stick your language too, makes it much easier to see tooth marks-often subtle unless you know what you're looking for!

And look in the mirror with your mouth open test to see how large and/or long your uvula.

Other recommendations, it may be that you have a recessed lower jaw or narrow jaw?

Go search ...What you see?

All this goes to anatomy is a factor OSA and selecting the correct treatment for OSA. CPAP is still the least invasive treatment for OSA with a dental splint if works for very mild sleep apnea. It is amazing how many processes are created for OSA proved again this is not a simple condition that may be discussed in one of the causes.

I don't know if you can use a device, dental during the night. But, if you can recommend:

According to the sleep dentists, IATRIKiS coverage begins to get better coverage of dental devices as a first plan of attack on Sleep Apnea. Its certainly cheaper than long-term CPAP for insurance companies and compliance is better, so that the time will start figuring they need to encourage people who try this first.

You will need to pass a dentist certified sleep to get the expertise, equipment and insurance companies.

Also, shop. Prices vary wildly even among certified dentists.

Part of the problem you face if you try cheaper routes to your Find "effectivity". Buy a new Cheap REGISTRATION pulse oximeter really help to call on your approach to use (even CPAP!), in conjunction with caution when you refund of dreams and how you feel every day.

Hope this helps!


View the original article here

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sleep apnea affects sexual desire?

by Brian
(New York)

I get lightheaded for 8 months no interruption and problems getting an erection, this may be a problem with sleep apnea (b) the cause of my life and my relationship is a mess because of ... Next week I'm going to sleep study .... Thank you, Brian

If you have nonstop light-headedness for eight months, then I think you have something serious. The cause may be Sleep Apnea because this sleep disorder affects the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide from the blood.

I suppose you already know that if you have Sleep Apnea, you stop your breathing in sleep mode. If you have a severe Sleep Apnea, possibly hold your breath least for 30 seconds.

Try to hold your breath once only for 30 seconds and then try to make that 100 times per hour! It seems impossible, right?

Now you can understand why Sleep Apnea patient is "anemic", nausea or light-headed during the day ... daily. Not to mention the desire for sex or erection problems ...

In order to answer your question, sleep certainly affects the mood and libido every patient. Depression is also present and affect the quality of life.

Brian, not upset about these problems. Have you ever seen a person with Sleep Apnea who met with success with CPAP? I staked that gained he backs the quality of life and sexual desire.

Yes, just like this! CPAP is very effective, especially for patients with moderate obstructive sleep apnoea. The trick is tolerate to the CPAP treatment. You can learn about this problem here.

But first, go to the sleep study, then perhaps we are talking again.

Best of luck!

View the original article here

Obstructive Sleep Apnea with a child?

by Mullins

My daughter is 3 March for the past 8 months is waking overnight snorting and angry. Occasionally, however, to sleep at night, but not very often. My doctor of ENT daughters sleep study was reported, the text is kind of a large but tonsils ok? but the doctor believes that perhaps this should raise the nose, depending on the study.

I was wondering why this sleep through is sometimes Sleep Apnea may be?

It was also a baby prem was cpap for 2 weeks and was told as a baby had a larynx could this be connected? also has demonstrated a real frustration during the day and even during the night of dumps feet and gets really worked that I really do not snore, but it is a heavy separator.

Amy thanks

You can describe symptoms that may be associated with Sleep Apnea in children. And Sleep Apnea symptoms in infants and children is a little different than the symptoms in adults.

Why you need to know the difference between harmless snoring and sleep more serious problem. You can override the former, but you must handle the latter.

The only way to verify whether it is snoring or sleep apnoea is for measuring oxygen levels during sleep with a simple apparatus-portable oximeter-snugs in finger or toe of a person. However, only a sleep laboratory to do this reliably.

Thus, the greatest concern for your daughter is that of providing oxygen drops unhealthy levels.

You Said:

waking everynight snorting and angry
has emerged frustration a day
night dumps feet and really rise
is a heavy separator

Well, if your daughter carries around a overpartied teen, acting Moody, irritable, it may be a sign of sleep apnea.

Also, curious percentage of children diagnosed with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder actually Sleep Apnea. So if your daughter appears hyperactive and sleep deficiencies or snoring, sleep apnea consider as the source.

Another symptom is slowed down development, when sleep apnea actually may slow a toddler or development of children and leave the smaller than it was. This effect takes years to notice, so I'm glad that going along with a study of sleep and don't expect to see this effect.

Best of luck!


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